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Michael Gordon

Club updates!

First of all, I wanted to say a quick thanks to the Walla Walla area athletes who've showed support for the formation of the Blue Mountain Endurance club so far.

As part of the clubs mission, we're are seeking to raise awareness of opportunities to train and learn from other athletes as well as finding training buddies to hit up local and regional races. Club members will benefit from group workouts where they can train with other like minded folks, as well as benefitting from sponsor deals on some great gear.

If you're reading this post, you've obviously been on the club website. While you're here, think about joining the email group to get the most up to date info about club happenings, as well finding out about local workouts (both pre-planned events and impromptu training).

Also, consider joining the club as a member. Your team dues will get you some great deals from our sponsors, as well as some cool team gear, not to mention, you'll be helping to support the local endurance community. You can sign up by clicking on the "sign-up" tab on the menu bar near the top of this page.

In team business, we'll be ordering team singlets very soon, so if you're interested in purchasing a singlet, please contact me directly, or join the email group to make sure you don't miss the order deadline.

Here's a quick mock-up of the jersey design, keep in mind this is a running singlet.

singlet design.jpg

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